the philosopher's algorithm finds the algorithm that the student could have thought of without the philosopher reading it, then the student feels like writing it or a different conclusion down - who is chosen to be a student? - who is in the class, who has become interested in the philosopher's (ideas about their) ideas (more ideas inside the course) enough to buy the course - how can the algorithm be run? - every day, perhaps in the background at certain time intervals (indicates potential student and student thoughts are in database behind privacy wall) partially meditate on student for them to be br - check if student has already meditated - gives the student not the user the thoughts needs medicine - meditation means university is not for training as against medical problems - in the future advanced medicine will exist algorithm can detect br As People could request their mindread prolog metadata and make sales and money with their algorithms. - about simple prolog topics - previous ways of thinking attributed to the student are applied in writing the program, making them look smart - explainer algs could explain the algs to the student - the student could choose to publish the algs for free [or sell the software] - alg that helps the student to their/its algs, sometimes with criticable flaws (to make programming a problem solving exercise) - tablet to draw plan for algorithm - students write the algorithm themselves - university generator, with student thoughts and sales computer tutor recognises student's aim, corrects code - offers possible versions of a program with e.g. within 20% of closest match, or the first version of the program if what they have written isn't close to one x then would contact a human in case the student has found a new method of writing the program - e.g. builds list during or after transformation x - or no atoms or style of variable syntax in an interpreter x - or list or matrix maths transformations (may want a different method in part when computer developing algorithm, or in fact, they write their own algorithms with i,o computer does/doesn't choose - i.e. if chooses, student interprets breasoning given by computer as having i,o, quickly writes it (with their pf)) e.g. in direction is the row the first row, the view from that direction or an elevation?x (for pf not this purpose) (will a matrix/move be used to rotate the grid?, will the rows or columns be computed first?, will the back or front be done first?) (only these possible methods would be prepared for, others would need to be added to the program finder) - according to writing list decomposition in header/body, type of recursion (0/1 items in list in base case) and number of levels of recursion in iterative deepening (as well as obvious ones like prolog bugs, arguments correctly ordered, typos) should find and label differences between incorrect/correct code at each point of incorrect program - note this tute can be anytime unlike in a tute at human uni - it is acceptable because it gets up to where you are up to, not finishes the program x it finishes the program, or more importantly, starts the program if you don't know how to do it, write top-down - this may be done with writing pf and then the program, would preserve lip [comment or %%,f,[...] or "..."] or uncomment or delete a mistaken commented code (where it would have checked this earlier) can't have code between predicates unless it is another predicate tutor doesn't change working predicates doesn't produce the same code each time because of typos etc fixed, leaves order of commands in predicate (as long as is in time for 2p) Translator through pf have lfl (List Format Language, like XML) inputs (from input) [decomposition, header/body] x not in lip, [basecaselistlength, 0/1] x e.g. determined to be 1 only in case of grammar terminals in pf, [iterativedeepeningdepth, n] default is maximum data length Names of subvars should be reentered in pf query when the correct pf query has been found - assessment is based on the pf query, translator and pf (and program, but this does not mean it can be handed in only in pg) - comments: This is an advanced project so will need program with comments written first, but pf helps me and will hopefully help the students when they are used to prolog - pf works when changing trans, pf code to change program instead of writing program because of writing functions/predicates needed by a specific/general program What if pf query didn’t have enough detail to write program - it does ar or vr goggles with philosophy games - (by itself, not googles) pf query doesn't include var types (music, graphics with names) because would not come from i,o, and does not include type (number, string) subvar names are based on var names and music in department name means can be interpreted as a musical detail (can relate to words with a separate algorithm) - can still detect sentences as containing subject, verb and object in that order order: 1. little lines - intermediate pf query x relationships - like pf replace - like pf with replace, with functions next to replace, replace indicating code inside other functions, found using little lines little lines: some patterns, some maths, finding functions: some selection, some functions two uses io - , two uses listoflists 2. finding function - - what the function call looks like, how to change it to code - (functions not functions and subfunctions in pf query) - order of finding function, finding pf query and code () db ff functions before or after (because of) patterns two uses pf input, output1, output2 is _, use1, use2 where the number of is and os is counted and predicatised, and i, o1 and o2 need to be different each time - in fact, a unique function finds unique i, o1 and o2 for each program (in which all output are comma-delimited) may be ordered or disordered - in case of i,o1,o2 i and os, and o1,o2 need to be unique x first sentence - should clean (find unique) as you go x lp server receives information about page requests, compiles metadata, saves it and can send it out on request - always running in background - requires a lot of hard disk space for metadata - laws may specify for how long to keep it for - may require a lot of processing speed/multiple processors to keep up with demand - how would it find things out feasibly if it had to open webpages for each ~50 As, followed by 5 As per day per topic - individual br are given more parts and these must be gone through like things in a tong bath - sales may require biweekly texttobr medicine and daily 250 br Choose stronger argument to be next output ?x Do lpi in pf Files in lpi Adv of lpi in pf is grouping file function arguments - can write numerous interpreters Files are operated on after being entered as input not read from file x are read from file Can tokenise using lpi program Writing lpi in lpi improves quality of lpi - most developed program so includes more in lpi in lpi, bug checker, improves pf with lpi because more developed with bug checker etc Doesn’t need pf query Code is like pf query Pf is theological Will lead to br writer, for sales and life Two uses also deletes duplicate predicates Future checks for abandoned predicates Two types type checks, checks instantiation No versions of p arity exist call similar predicate? Medicine keep away from sick - try more efficient paths first Green grass in popology - makes variables numbered in order, cleaner makes code in the same format to make changing easier - order of args by i,o and order computed in and order of commands - checks all inputs are given, of correct modality, verification asap-, verification, formatting of tabs Properly built predicate Takes i,o program and produces pf - x already is the program Randomly tries append, recursion etc x Writes x coalesces functions x done by pf Code input to output code x already is code * Program Finder saves time and money by quickly finding rules (able to work for many programs) and finds programs (not finds and runs them, which saves time) so that the programs can be re-run quickly. Program Finder is better in the long term than writing the programs without Program Finder because it can rapidly write programs after it is initially written (which is the initial investment). I chose to have a more advanced Academy (at postgraduate level) with Program Finder even though it is more complex because this saves time in the end. - Even though the programs can be written at an undergraduate level, they can be rewritten with program finder at postgraduate level. - The "boggle" effect of program finder, trying many rules to satisfy the input and output and producing too many possible programs, can be reduced by writing more, shorter program finders, for different groups of programs. need strict i,o for pf to give correct pf query -> small numbers of programs specified that a pf is required to write, where pf should only have the necessary predicates required input (including programs) are simple, so it would be simple to find predicates that make up their algorithms how to test programs produced with pf match pf query - a compare program - assess by giving a proportion of marks to trans, pf, program program finder even with all predicates available in translator would work because predicates are different enough, optimise x simplify would use the simplest number of predicates/by order of simplicity - what is in the middle of translator - (what if it produces a weird but working program) it would recursively find all same names across arguments, relationships - how would it find an interpreter (it will need to find predicates used in interpreter for other programs) e.g. recognise variables and give values to them - recognise a command with the meaning of append - recognise lap by ignoring "given" and "giving" in e.g. "reverse list1, given list2, giving list3" - erroneous in computer speak but gives the sentence meaning in language does writing a program without pf mean our thoughts are clearer - pf uses multiple codes once self running after death ~ one human puts through As acknowledging, camera pointing at (3D scanned) you 3D scanned professor - computer lucian voice - scanned hand philosophy games unis influenced by lucian academy (e.g. pf, comma delimited output), has pg, students spiritual computer tutor means can concentrate on the next line of code 5 As per line like unimelb - enough in la - enough br for anyone x 21.3.18 metadata on the philosophy/on connections between parts of the philosophy collects with mindreading/determines with 2 variable plot e.g. appropriate iterative deepening depth the student would like in an algorithm, asked with an a metadata should be like that of microsoft word - the student can do what he/she would like with it can publish their metadata on site with lip/lfl and html (returns data on how long each idea has been read for, initiates 20 mantra and sutra meditation, works out what has been thought using mindreading:categories of ideas that have A, 2 variable plot:what their seen as version was for e.g. direction is, by realising they want aladdin because of purple because of being about to go to bed) and this site will in turn collect more metadata, which in turn the visitor students can ask to be sent to them/published - an e.g. twitter share will list the influence philosopher's name - customer's thoughts: new algorithms for ug, details pg (should be based on past algs - more intelligent - rather than simple "parts of line" and new connections (not so rigorous)) - to collect thoughts of alg lines, they would need to be displayed as well as the philosophy they are not the customer's thoughts but also the computer's- especially the cognitive product parts but the customer could be involved even in these - gives As for these to lucian for student but not all these would be br when helping them to write the program, can give knowledge as to help them decide how to write it what if there are lots of influenced students and the project is on wikipedia maybe they should have offline sites for those who want to use it for sales for their companies x only for philosophy and famousness - academia, google books from ug to professors their thoughts are collected, but become closer to the ways of the academy everything has to be analysed, the relevant conclusion reached detects agree or disagree agreement with reason objects, compare with universalism would it work/not work for this group/person (perhaps mentioned in text) not acceptable to accept disagreement based on conservatism or lack of understanding can turn on/off reaction to mindreading on site, e.g. suggestion to fill in knowledge gap in meaning of a prolog command internal As, feeling of thought by customer - would be a do in itself what about all the breasonings from students of university - go back into students wouldn't it be better for students to be aware of versions of As summarising (the i,o and the type of method in the algorithm of) their algs - lip, pf (with alg by itself, not an essay) rather than general humanities and simple sentences, with as much detail as they want as school philosophy - how does reading the philosophy/algs help? - do they spark interest? what is the point of writing a program finder that basically combines 5 programs - functions can be rewritten and developed - wouldn't the academy run out of types of programs - the point is really to appreciate the program, e.g. understand the maths involved algorithms (no server required) - submit and verify programs for students to download, templates - eg php runs prolog to run lip interpreter code page that produces lfl, that is converted to html - this can pass arguments back to the lip program, in a game, print out feed so far -- 22.3.18 after last texttobr maths in pf formulas should be given with input, output calculated this is a program finder x program in interpreter in that it interprets the expression, and ranks the companies by year and averages for MBA, write 10 sentences as having 10 algorithms of this type, reconnected x 160 br before starting any assignment, 10 algs per main ass, 1 hand-br br per sentence eg doesn't need pf solar panel for harddiskless (internet) server and router for my metadata computations - software to shut down and startup based on available power - can log in to server to pause metadata calculation, view reports, send metadata to customers who would like it - website is low-power - perhaps flash storage and a raspberry pi supercomputer array 27.3.18 Pf not i,o takes subvar names as input, pf creates var, predicate names, student can modify predicate names after program has been written, comments 28.3.18 thesaurus file, to be updated, for breasoning out e.g. hand-picked synonyms, the1, the2 split into 80 words at a time, to save time entering e.g. the1, the2 br paraphrased lap comments for each lip line hand check pf’s program for correctness of pf, comments note: the1, the2 might not always work, have strict and relaxed br counts br separately paraphrased lip and lap algorithmic assignments may be computer science or humanities-based